Georgia On My Mind

Album: Album: Genius Hits the Road, ABC/Paramount 335, July 1960.
Single (A): ABC 10135, August 1960, b/w Carry Me Back To Old Virginny.
Recorded at the Capitol Studios in New York on March 25, 1960.
With Milt Turner on drums and Edgar Willis on bass, uncredited strings, and choir.
According to the original liner notes, the song was arranged by Ralph Burns. In reality, the tune was probably charted by Al Cohn.
Quincy Jones has also been credited for the live ‘flute version’ as played in the early ’60s by the septet and the big band. The conversion of Georgia’s original (string) arrangement for the live big band was probably done by René Hall.
For many years the Georgia theme (for that occasion called the Georgia Fanfare), together with a part of Roger Neumann’s The Sandblaster, was played as Ray’s walk-on tune. The Fanfare was arranged by René Hall.
Perry Como Show, 1961:
Update 01.02.2021: the video of this performance is no longer available on YouTube, please let me know in the comments below if you have any footage, thanks — Cyd
Paris 2000 (with trio):
You could spend more than 15 hours on listening to the circa 170 live versions that have been recorded. And guess what – they’re all brilliant.
’60 TV Playboy
’61 TV Como
’61 LC Antibes – 3x – Released
’61 LC Zurich
’61 LC Paris – 3x – Released
’62 LC Berlin – Released
’62 LC Paris – Released
’64 LC England
’64 LC Shrine – Released
’65 TV Shindig
’65 FI TNT – Released
’67 LC Pleyel
’67 LC Berlin
’67 LC Melbourne
’68 TV Bishop – Part of medley
’68 LC Bakersfield
’68 LC Amsterdam NM
’68 LC Paris – 2x
’68 LC Fresno
’69 LC Paris
’70 TV Humperdinck
’70 LC FillmoreEast – First notes only
’70 LC Paris
’70 LC Geneva
’71 LC San Carlos
’71 LC Torino
’71 LC Paris – 2x
’72 LC Newport
’72 TV Cavett – Released
’72 LC Copenhagen
’72 LC Paris – 3x
’72 LC San Carlos
’73 TV Midnight
’73 LC Nassau
’73 LC Germany – Pseudo-Basie – Released
’73 LC Arbor
’73 LC Stockholm
’75 TV Midnight NM
’75 LC Brussels
’75 TV Davis NM
’75 LC Madrid
’75 LC LatinCasino
’75 LC Japan – Released
’75 TV Cher – With Cher
’76 LC Antibes
’76 LC Stuttgart
’77 TV Douglas NM
’77 LC Gladys – With Gladys Knight – Released
78 TV MDA – 2x – a. With Jerry Lewis,
b. In medley
78 LC Montreux – 2x – a. Medley,
b. w fathead – Released
’78 LC Antibes – 2x
’78 LC Boston
’79 DM Georgia
’79 LC Antibes
’79 LC Viareggio
’79 LC Austin
’80 LC Pops
’80 LC Northsea
’80 TV Schneider
’81 DM 20 – Fragment
’81 LC Edmonton – Released
’81 LC Prague
’81 LC Barcelona
’81 LC Rome
’81 LC Sanremo
’81 TV Country
’82 LC Capital – Released
’82 TV Buddy
’82 LC Antibes
’82 LC Beacon
’82 LC Washington
’82 LC Japan – With George Yanagi
’83 TV Man
’83 DM Montreal
’83 LC Antibes
’84 LC Austin
’84 LC Willie – With Willie Nelson – Rel.
’84 LC Viareggio
’84 LC Nancy
’84 LC Warsaw – 2x – Released
’84 LC Ithaca
’85 CM Georgia – Short version
’85 LC NewHaven
’85 LC Antibes
’86 LC London
’86 LC Lugano
’86 LC Toyohashi – Released
’86 LC Rio
’86 TV Victoires
’87 LC Bourges
’87 LC Antibes
’87 FI Moonlighting – Spoof
’88 LC Oklahoma
’88 TV Willie
’88 LC Leeuwin
’88 LC Ballet – 2x
’88 LC Masson
’88 LC Saratoga
’88 DM Atlanta
’89 LC Ballet – Partial
’89 TV Moulin
’89 LC Paris – 2x
’89 LC Ghent
’89 LC Osaka
’90 RS Piano
’90 LC ArtPark
’90 LC Antibes
’90 LC Lloret
’90 LC Tokyo BB
’90 LC Dresden BB
’90 LC Milan
’90 LC Rome
’90 LC Caneção
’90 LC Tokyo
’91 LC McCallum – Released
’91 LC Montreux – Released
’91 LC 50 Years – With Michael Bolton
’91 LC BlueNote
’91 LC Milan
’92c TV Japan
’92 LC Japan
’92 LC Antibes
’93 LC Leverkusen
’93 LC Newport
’94 LC ValleyForge
’94 LC Moscow
’95 TV Tomba NM – With Giorgia
’95 LC Greenville
’95 LC Deauville
’95 LC Tramps – 6x – Streams available
’95 LC Marciac
96 LC Atlantic City
’96 LC Warsaw
96 LC London
’96 LC Maribor
’96 LC Lugano
’96 LC Montauk
’97 LC WolfTrap
’97 LC Saratoga
’97 LC Philly
’97 LC Northsea
’97 LC Montreux – Released
’97 TV Melbourne
’98 CM QVC
’98 LC Charlotte NM
’99 LC Tulsa NM
’99 LC NewOrleans NM
’99 LC Glasgow
’99 LC Rheingau
’99 LC Miami – Released
’99 LC Marciac
00 TV Washington
00 LC Moscow
00 LC Basel
00 LC Warsaw
00 LC Paris – Released
00 RD JeeBee – With Trio Esperanza
01 LC Waterloo
01 LC Baltimore
01 LC Antibes
01 TV Michael
02 TV Colosseum
02 LC Travis – With Travis Tritt
02 LC Pasadena
02 LC NewJersey
03 LC Melbourne
03 TV Land – With Choir
03 LC Whitehouse