If You Go Away
Album: Come Live With Me, Crossover 9000, January 1974.
Recorded at RPM International in Los Angeles. Arranged by Sid Feller. An audiotape of a working session where Feller and Charles discussed and worked on the arrangement of the song has survived.
Exclusif 1978 – just Ray and his piano, unplugged, unique:
Update 13.02.2021: the video of this performance is no longer available on YouTube, please let me know in the comments below if you have any footage, thanks — Cyd
Miami 1999:
’78 TV Exclusif
’82 TV Legrand
’86 LC London
’87 LC Bourges
’88 TV Téléthon
’88 LC Leeuwin
’90 LC Armenonville
’91 LC McCallum – Released
’96 LC Warsaw
’99 LC Tulsa NM
’99 LC Miami – Released
’00 LC Moscow
’01 LC Antibes