I’m Gettin’ ‘Long All Right (Ft Merry Clayton, Ray Charles On Keyboards)

TRC 984A.
Single3 (B): Tangerine 984, 1968, b/w All I Need Is His Love.
Album3: The Raelettes, Souled Out, Tangerine 1511, 1971 (titled I Get Along All Right).
Merry Clayton rarely sounded more soulful than on this A-side of Tangerine 984 from 1968 (with yet another title variarion: I’m Gett’n Long Alright).
Ray Charles played piano, and can be heard calling off the intro.The record peaked at #23 on the Billboard R&B chart.
The Raelettes: Merry Clayton (lead), Clydie King (contralto), Gwen Berry (alto) and Alex Brown (tenor). Recorded at RPM International, Los Angeles, with uncredited musicians (all or most from the Ray Charles Orchestra).
