
  • December 10, 2011

    Ray Charles Live In A Symphony Concert At The Warsaw Jamboree (1996)

    Still from video copy. After his marvelous concerts with his own band at the Jazz Jamboree in 1984, Ray Charles returned to Warsaw twice – in 1996 and 2000, both times for symphony gigs. From two video clips that already have been circulating for a while on the web (with songs #1 and #4), I […]

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  • December 7, 2011

    Ray Charles At The Showboat On Voice Of America (1958)

    The Showboat was a famous “musical bar” or jazz club in the basement of the Douglas Hotel in Philadelphia. Jazz fans and jazz musicians hung at The Showboat nightly. Ray had a gig there as early as 1951, but possibly performed or hang out there more often during the 1950s and early 1960s. Dizzy Gillespie, […]

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  • December 6, 2011

    Ray Charles In Music Hall America (1976)

    Mike Douglad and Ray Charles, possibly from this show. Music Hall America was a syndicated 1-hour country music variety TV show,  that ran from 1976 to 1977. It was taped at Opryland in Nashville, produced by Viacom and directed by Lee Bernhardi. In 1976 the series ran for 26 episodes, each with a different host, […]

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  • December 5, 2011

    Ray Charles Recorded Twice At Newport Jazz Festival In 1972

    As a part of their Voice of America collection, the Library of Congress has cataloged three “digital sound cassette[s], mono, digital (polyester)” with the Newport Jazz Festival program that was presented on 7 July 1972 at the Yankee Stadium in New York. Sheldon Harris listened to (parts of?) the (or a?) show through Willis Conover’s […]

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  • December 2, 2011

    Let The Sun Shine In (With The National Urban Coalition, 1970)

    I totally missed that this clip has been on Youtube for more than a year now: a 1-minute version of the PSA Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In, with a National Urban Coalition of 99 other artists and celebrities. There were also 30-second (“Let the Sun Shine In” sung twice) and 2-minute versions (sung 10 times). […]

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  • December 1, 2011

    Ray Charles Live In Stockholm (1973)

    On 2 October 1973 the Ray Charles troupe played a concert in Stockholm. In an earlier version of this article I reported on a partial recording (possibly originating from a radio broadcast) of six of the tunes that were performed during this  show, but I have now listened to a complete tape: Intro Let The […]

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  • November 30, 2011

    Ray Charles Live In Viareggio (1976)

    In earlier posts I’ve described how some of Ray Charles’ concerts (in 1979 and in 1984) in Viareggio were covered by Italian TV (and possibly also radio). This article in the newspaper Unita implies that an earlier performance, on 3 August 1976, was also televized by Rai Uno – on 16 September of that same […]

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  • November 30, 2011

    Ray Charles Live Over Radio At The Ann Arbor Festival (1973)

    Photo by Cecil Lockard. On 7 and 8 September 1973 the 4th Ann Arbor Blues And Jazz Festival took place at Otis Spann Memorial Field. The festival had been inaugurated by the University of Michigan in 1969, but was canceled in 1971. In 1972 the festival was successfully revived, and in 1973 the new organizers […]

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  • November 29, 2011

    Ray Charles On 20/20 (1981)

    On 12 November 1981 the ABC news magazine 20/20 – which  offered investigative journalism items and entertainment features – had a documentary item on Ray Charles, made by correspondent Bob Brown. Through an interview with the Genius, cross-edited with new footage from Greenville, a few contemporary sequences from concerts, and Ray’s performance before the Georgia […]

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  • November 26, 2011

    Ray Charles Ft. In Schaefer Radio Show (1972)

      Ad in New York Amsterdam News, Dec. 16, 1972.   Schaefer, a beer brand, had already been sponsoring their eponymous music festival in New York for a few years, when, in 1972, they also initiated a series of heavily advertised radio shows – titled The Schaefer Circle Of Stars – around African American stars […]

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  • November 23, 2011

    Ray Charles In TV Campaign For New Mexico Powerball Lottery (2002)

    At the set, checking the wrists of the Paylettes. From 2000 to 2002 Ray Charles contributed to a substantial series of state lottery campaigns. For the Oregon campaign and a story on Ray’s wider involvement with the Powerball brand, read this earlier article. The Oregon Lottery also ran the campaign shown below. For my post […]

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  • November 20, 2011

    Ray Charles Sings Reaching For The Dream, A Jingle For UNCF (1977)

    In a recent update of my post on Ray’s contributions to the Parade Of Stars telethons for the UNCF (United Negro College Fund), I wrote about an undated PSA, archived by the Paley Center for Media, where “Ray Charles explains in a jingle that a whole new generation [of black students] is ‘reaching for the […]

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