Guitar Blues (With The Rufus Beacham Orchestra) (?)

Single (B): Swing Time 300, b/w Baby Let Me Hear You Call My Name.
Also released by Sittin’ In With.
Compilation album: The Way I Feel, Proper, 22 Oct 2007.
Recorded in Los Angeles, 1952. The liner notes to The Way I Feel locate the taping in Miami (?), 1951, but that should probably be 1952.
Ray Charles – p; possibly Gosady McKee – g; Otto McQueen – b; Manzy Harris – ds. If you follow the Beacham lead, the taping was “With Orchestra”: and the musicians were Ray Charles – p (?), Rufus Beacham – p; Jack McVea – ts; Unknown musicians – g; d.

The original label for Guitar Blues credits ‘Ray Charles on guitar’. To anyone’s knowledge Ray Charles never played guitar. During a March 4, 1989 interview Joel Dufour, Ray said the name Rufus Beacham didn’t ring any bells.
This is probably another track by Rufus Beacham’s Orchestra, from the same session as Roly Poly.
